The Wrench is an item in Granny: Chapter Two.
It is required for the Front Door Escape if you are playing on Hard, Extreme, or with Extra Locks enabled but still appears on every difficulty. The Wrench has two different purposes: the first one is to unlock the Screw Lock, on the Front Door, to allow the Door Bars to lift up. Its second purpose is to unscrew the screw that is blocking the Crank in the Underground Tunnel, in the Backyard to open the valve in the water pit, which will allow the water to flow and grant access to the other side, where the Baby's Cage is.
The Wrench appears as a small metal spanner with a few black stains on the handle.
In the PC Port, the wrench has the same texture, albeit with a light blue tint.
- When dropped, it makes the same noise as the Hand Wheel and the Special Key.
- There was also a Wrench in the first Granny game, which was used to fix the Car, but it was bigger and made a different noise when dropped.
- Since the release of Version 1.0, the Wrench now appears in every difficulty, as it's required to drain the water steam to access to the Baby's Cage.
- It's unknown why the wrench is colored blue in the PC Port, but it's possible that it was recolored, so it doesn't blend in with any floors.
- It used to spawn in the cabinets in the Kitchen but was moved to the Microwave in Version 1.0.
The Player opening the Screw Lock with the Wrench.
The Water Stream Crank, requiring the Wrench to be unblocked.
The Wrench as it appears in the Microwave on preset #1.
The Wrench as it appears in the TV Room on preset #2.
The Wrench as it appears in the Master Bedroom on preset #3.
The Wrench as it appears in the Entrance Closet on preset #4.
The Wrench as it appears in the Master Bedroom on preset #5.
The Wrench as it used to appear in the Kitchen cabinet on preset #1, prior to Version 1.0.