Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Weapon Key is an item in Granny: Chapter Two.


It is not required to escape but can be used to open the Weapon Safe in the Secret Closet and obtain the Shotgun. It can be found on any difficulty, somewhere in the House depending on the Preset you're playing in. It is the only Item capable to give you access to the Shotgun, implying that it can never be found inside of the only puzzle in the House that would require a Weapon like the Shotgun or Stun Gun to be completed, being the Chained Box in the Jail Cell. It also cannot be found in the Safe.


The Weapon Key, ironically, does not look like a Key at all but actually more like a metal crank with an orange handle.


  • The Weapon Key's handle's color is the same as the previous Weapon Key from the first Granny game, which was also used to open the Weapon Safe, that however contained the Crossbow, instead of the Shotgun.
  • It makes the same noise as the Spark Plug when dropped.
  • It can still be used to be thrown and make noise after opening the Weapon Safe.
  • The Weapon Key used to spawn inside both of the Crates until version 1.1.
  • The Weapon Key is the ONLY key that can spawn in the Labyrinth on Preset 2.

