The Water Stream is a structure in Granny: Chapter Two.
It is located in the Backyard and separates it in two areas : the "safe" zone and the Baby's territory. It is connected to the Pipe in the Sewer Deck, meaning that any item dropped in it will re-appear down there, on the floor, provoking a noise that alerts Granny, or Grandpa if said item is the Vase. The main purpose of this Water Stream is to block the Player from accessing the baby's shed. Just like in the Sewer Deck, if the Player tries to cross into the water, the Water Monster will instantly devour them and send them to the next Day, or Game Over if they were already on their last Day. Note that trying to run is impossible, as the Monster will catch you even quicker than he does in the Sewer Deck, this the "instantly". The Water Stream can however be emptied of its water, making it safe to access, by closing the gate that allow the water to enter it; this can be done by rotating the Crank in the Underground Tunnel, after undoing the Screw placed on it. The emptying animation can however not be seen, as the Player will not have enough time to come back up and see it. Once emptied, the Stream only appears to be around 20 centimeters deep, note that dropping an item in the gutter at the end will make it respawn in the Basement, with the exception of the Vase, that simply cannot fit in that space because of its shape.
The Water Stream appears as a small watercourse filled with the same dirty water that can also be seen in the Sewer Deck. The water flows from left to right, emerging from the valve on the left to the gutter, at the end.
- In case you haven't found the Wrench to drain the water, you can knock either Granny or Grandpa out and use their bodies as a bridge to cross the water without being bitten by the monster, as seen by YouTuber Vividplays Channel.
- It is unknown how the Water Monster is able to fit in the Water Stream, considering that it is not really deep. We do however know that the Monster "follows" the Player, depending on if they are in the Backyard or in the Sewer Deck. Once the water is drained, it stays down in its usual place, near the Boat definitely. It is also unknown how the Water Monster travels back to the Sewer Deck as there's no apparent pipe that it would use to travel. It possibly has a very squishy body like a giant Pacific octopus that can get through a golf ball sized hole.
- It is strongly advised against drinking this. Not just the monster, but also the grime in it. Thank God there isn’t a thirst meter.