Granny Chapter Two Wiki
Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Vase is an item in Granny: Chapter Two.


It can always be found on the small table in the Living Room, near the Piano and has absolutely no utility. It is never required to escape by any escape route but still has a small purpose: It is the only Item that both Granny and Grandpa can hear, which can actually make it useful in some situations, if you need Grandpa to be at a certain location, for example. He can however not hear it if he is asleep or knocked out.


The Vase has a pretty weird shape, with a thinner bottom, and a larger top. It has a leopard-stained pattern on it and always makes the same noise when dropped. It is empty and never contains anything. It is very unbalanced due to it's shape.


  • Just like its Granny counterparts, the Vase is unbreakable. However, vases normally shatter easily in real life, which makes this one from every chapter unrealistic
  • Due to its shape, the Vase will never "loop" if thrown in the water in the Sewer Deck to keep the Grandparents constantly there because of the noise it's producing. This can however be done to keep Granny in this room by using another, smaller item.
  • The Vase is one of the few things that can alert Grandpa, with the others being the Shotgun's shoots, the Iron Maiden, the Baby and when Granny is knocked out.
  • The Vase is the only item to change its textures in Nightmare Mode.

