Granny Chapter Two Wiki

Looking for Spiders in the original Granny? Go here.

Spectral Spiders are nightmare pets in Granny: Chapter Two


They are white spiders, and just like the Spectral Rats from the previous game's nightmare mode, Spectral Spiders only appear in Nightmare Mode. Unlike the rats, these spiders don't bite the Player, doesn't alert Granny and Grandpa. But they will hiss at times, but these hisses does not alert the grandparents.

Spectral Spiders can jump randomly and they can also turn upside down.


They look like the Spider from the original game, just smaller with a white one.


They go in random directions, randomly making large jumps and flinging around. They have a tendency to hug the walls and get flinged, sometimes even sideways and get stuck because of it.


  • Unlike the Spectral Rats of the first game, these spiders serve no real purpose other than atmosphere.
  • Spectral Spiders have the same physics of items.
  • The player is unable to kill the Spectral Spiders using the Stun Gun, the Shotgun or the Hand Grenade.
  • This is the only spider in Granny: Chapter Two.