Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Sewer Gate is a structure in Granny: Chapter Two.


It is located in the Sewer Deck right in front of the Boat. Its purpose is to block the pathway for the Player to access the Sewer Tunnel and complete the Boat Escape. It is required to be opened if the Player is willing to escape this way. To do so, the Player needs to pull the lever inside the Lever Safe in the crates, which requires the Padlock Key to open. Pulling the lever will make the gate to shift upwards, however, a little bit of it's part does not gets lifted up. When done so, it will create a noise which alerts Granny.


It appears a gate made of rusted iron consisting of 15 bars connected to its edges.


  • If you try to start the repaired Boat with the Boat Key without opening the Sewer Gate will make the "I need to open the gate first" message appear.
  • If you use mods to look in the lever safe, you will not find the switch, meaning you have to find/spawn the Padlock Key.
    • This is used to stop people from simply aiming their camera perfectly to switch it in the normal game, see Basement Safe.

