Granny Chapter Two Wiki

Practice Mode is a Difficulty in Granny: Chapter Two.

It is the first Diffculty option that exists in the game as it is placed at the very bottom of the list and is also by far the easiest one. It was only created for the purpose of mastering at the game and testing a few things, most likely to help newer player to familiarize with the game before fully getting into it. Practice Mode still imposes the following conditons to the Player :

  1. Granny and Grandpa are not present in-game, making the Player safe from them, but not from a few other Hazards that can still hurt/kill them, such as the Water Monster, that still able to eat them alive if they walk in the Sewer Deck or Backyard Water Stream. The Electric Lock on the Front Door, which can electrocute them if they get too close to it. The Iron Maiden can still crush them and send them to the next Day if they use the Stun Gun or Shotgun to hit the switch. The Gasoline Can's or Hand Grenade's explosion can also knock them out if they are too close when they are activated. And finally, Slendrina's Baby can still bite them, stunning them for a few moments before they get back up.
  2. Creaking Floors exist but they are not dangerous at all, as Granny is not present in the House and will never come to them not matter how many times the Player steps on them.
  3. The amount of Locks on the Front Door as the same as on Normal Mode : 5.
  4. The amount of Ammo is the same as on Normal Mode : 8. The Ammo Dispenser in the Shooting Gallery Room can still provide an infinite amount of it as long as the Shooting Minigame hasn't been completed.


  • Similar to the first game, there is a note on the Door Bars on the Front Door which, unlike the first game, says different things such as "See you soon", "Don't wait for us", "Feed the monster" and "There's food in the fridge".
  • It's unknown that how the Player ends up in the Starting Cell as there is no one to send them back there.
  • The Security Key, which is always under Grandpa's protection, will spawn in different locations, which can be seen here. This is also the case if you are playing with Granny only.
  • The Boat Ending Cutscene will show the Water Monster, alone, perking up from the water and wave at the Player with one if its tentacles. This only happens on this difficulty.
  • If the player get knocked out 5 Times only the message Game Over will appear since Granny & Grandpa doesn't get time to Kill the Player to give an Game Over scene so in Conclusion. Practice Mode is the only mode to have no Bad Endings