Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Meat is an item in Granny: Chapter Two that was added in version 1.0.


It is used to distract Slendrina's Baby away from you for about 5 seconds while you take the item in his shed. You do this by putting it on the dirty plate in the corner of the baby's shed. You can do this anywhere, even from on the other side of the cage bars.


Unlike its counterpart in the original Granny, the Meat appears to be an uncooked chicken leg. Or, just based on the coloration, leg of ham.

It always spawns in one of three places in the kitchen, and will always respawn, unlike the aforementioned counterpart in the original Granny.


  • The meat has the same texture of apples, food for another old game from DVloper: Hotel Insanity.
  • The Meat's mechanics is based on the Meat from the original Granny game.
    • Although this time it respawns infinitely and goes back to the Kitchen when not in use
  • The meat only distracts the hazard for half the amount of time that it did in the original Granny. Slendrina's Baby will eat it for 5 seconds, as opposed to the spider who ate his meat for 10 seconds.
    • Although the distances to get the item in question is much shorter compared to Granny 1's Special Room.
  • A lot of people kill Slendrina's child instead of use the meat strategy.
    • Furthermore a lot of people didn't notice you could put the meat on the plate through the bars.
  • If it gets dropped on the floor, it will despawn after a minute.
  • The meat is called "ChickenBone", which perhaps confirms that it is a chicken leg.

