The Jail Cell is a room in Granny: Chapter Two.
It is a puzzle that was added in version 0.8.3 of the game and can be found in the Jail Room, on the Attic floor of Grandpa's House.
Its main purpose is to prevent the Player from accessing the Chained Coffin and take the item inside, making this puzzle a 2-stepped process to obtain a single item, which can nonetheless be rather important, depending on the escape route you're choosing.
The Jail Cell can only be accessed using a Weapon, which can either be the Shotgun or Stun Gun. To do so, they have to aim and shoot the Red Button on the wall, through the bars in order to make the set of bars at the bottom slide to the left, allowing the Player to enter the Cell by crouching. The second purpose of the Jail Cell is to protect the Grenades Box, which has 33.3% chance of spawning inside, sitting next to the Chained Coffin.
- Slendrina's Husband can be found inside the Chained Coffin, as an Easter Egg. He disappears after about 10 seconds and does not do anything to the Player, except potentially scaring them off a little bit because of its unexpected nature, and as he also pops out of the coffin.
- The previous Granny game also had a similar Jail Cell puzzle, but it was a three-stepped process this time, since they first had to place the Plank over the gap, break the Camera with the Hammer and only then disable the Ventilator with the Cutting Pliers to obtain an item behind.
- All three Granny games have jail cells.
- Both the jail cell in this game and in the original Granny use a puzzle with Cutting Pliers.