Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Iron Maiden is a hazard in Granny: Chapter Two. It is found on the Execution Room and it is connected to an electrical mechanism from the outside of it.


The Iron Maiden appears to have a pink, red, or brown color. It has 16 spikes.


The Iron Maiden is connected to the Electric Mechanism. Once you pull the lever or shoot the button, the Iron Maiden will trigger. It will alert Granny and Grandpa when triggered.


Difficulty Time
Easy 2 minutes.
Normal 1 minute.
Hard 30 seconds.
Extreme 15 seconds.


  • One of the Game Over scenes shows Granny and Grandpa killing the Player using the Iron Maiden.
  • In Version 1.1, the Iron Maiden had a glitch where it didn’t alert Granny and Grandpa. This was fixed in Version 1.1.5.
  • It is possible to kill yourself with the Iron Maiden. Just step into the iron maiden and then shoot the button above the lever with the Shotgun or Stun Gun.
  • This is believed to be a brutal torture device from medieval times, despite no evidence being found on its existence before the 19th century.