Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Helicopter Manual is an item in Granny: Chapter Two.


The Helicopter Manual was added in version 1.1 and is used to successfully complete the Helicopter Escape route. Once picked up, a message will appear saying "You can now control a helicopter" along with a small Helicopter icon at the top right corner of the screen to remind you that you have picked it up, as when you do so, the Manual "disappears" and instantly gets stored within the Player most likely in their "inventory" or in their pocket, presumably. That is however never exactly confirmed. This Manual is the first item that isn't 100% required to start the Helicopter, leaving you two options :

  • Starting the fixed Helicopter without knowing how to pilot it, implying that the Manual has not been picked up, and resulting in flying the Helicopter upwards for an instand, but suddenly losing control of it, tossing it around and against the rooftop, with an alarm blaring and finally crashing it on its helipad, with an explosion noise.

If the second situation happens, the Player will slowly wake up safe and sound on the helipad, next to the burning down and flipped sideways Helicopter, definitely out of service and impossible to escape with for the rest if the current playthrough. However, they can still escape using another way, such as the Boat or the Front Door.


  • It is the only item other than the Flashlight (on the Steam version of the game) that cannot be dropped once picked up, implying that it never makes any noise, except for when you pick it up.
  • Unlike all other items, the helicopter manual can be picked up while holding another item.
  • If you try to start the Helicopter without it, there will be a message saying "I can't control a helicopter. This can end badly.", supposed to warn them of the upcoming danger, if they decide to start it anyway.
  • The Helicopter Pilot Manual is the only item that can be found in the open on all Presets. (Except on Preset 2 if you played the game on Extreme Mode/Extra Locks.)

