The Helicopter is a vehicle in Granny: Chapter Two.
It was added in Version 1.1 and is the third and newest way to escape Grandpa's House and beat the game. The Helicopter requires a grand total of 10 items to escape with, being the Security Key, the 3 Painting Pieces, a Weapon (which can either be the Shotgun or Stun Gun), the Glass Fuse, the Duct Tape, the Gasoline Can, the Helicopter Manual and finally the Helicopter Key. It is a very unique and cool part of the game as it is also related to Grandpa's past as a war soldier, now making him a war veteran. The Helicopter will always be found on the Helicopter Balcony, on the roof of Grandpa's House. It can only be accessed by completing the three puzzles in the Attic, being the Painting Pedestal, Shooting Gallery and Drop Trap.
The helicopter is based of a Bell UH-1" Huey " it also has two non functional folding fin aerial rocket FFAR 70mm air to ground missiles. It also appears to be in rough shape with dents on the side and it's rotary blade seems to be snapped probably caused during it's time in Vietnam, it also noted that Grandpa had it kept on its helipad after the war. It has been there for decades until the player gets it fueled up and fixed making it operational again. Also, the cockpit's interior has only the pilot seat with the control lever; the co-pilot seat is not present.
Escaping with the Helicopter is the hardest way to escape the House as it requires the widest variety of items. It is, however, safer than the Front Door and Boat escapes, as you will not have to worry about Granny or Grandpa while doing all the steps first to access and then fix the Helicopter since they all happen in the Attic. Here is a detailed list of all the steps to complete the Helicopter Escape, in the right order:
- Getting to the Helicopter Balcony
- The first step is to obtain the Security Key in order to access the Security Room, where the Ladder to the Attic is. To do so, you have to knock out Grandpa or steal it while he is asleep in the TV Room. But that step isn't new, you already know it.
- The second step, once you've reached the Attic is to go to the Painting Pedestal Room and complete the puzzle by gathering the three Painting Pieces and place them on the pedestal. The completed painting, representing Grandpa, standing up in the TV Room on the PC version of the game will open the lock on the Door giving access to the next room.
- The third step, once you arrived to the Shooting Gallery Room, is to bring the Shotgun or the Stun Gun and complete the Shooting Minigame by aiming correctly and knocking down all of the 3 moving targets in order to open the Door giving access to the next room. The Shooting Minigame features an Ammo dispenser, which can generate an infinite amount of Ammo, as long as the minigame isn't completed.
- The fourth step, once you got into the Drop Trap Room is to find the Glass Fuse on place it in the Fuse Slot on the wall to be able to access the other side of the Trapdoor. Trying to walk through the room without putting the Fuse in its slot will result in the trapdoor opening, dropping the player into the Kitchen, stunning them for a few seconds before they can get back up and also alerting Granny. The red light above the Trapdoor turns green once the Fuse is in place.
- Fixing the Helicopter
- The fifth step, once you enter the Helicopter Balcony and gain access to the Helicopter is to fix and start it. This requires a total of 4 more items, which can be used in any order, except for the Helicopter Key, which has to be used last.
- The Duct Tape needs to be applied on the bent propeller, in order to straighten it back to its normal position and allow the Helicopter to fly up.
- The Gasoline Can needs to be used to fill up the fuel tank, which can be found on the side of the Helicopter.
- The Player also has to find the Helicopter Manual beforehand to be able to pilot the Helicopter. If they don't and try to start the Helicopter without picking it up, something unexpected* will happen, ruining completely all the hopes of escaping with the Helicopter. Once the Manual has been taken in hand, it will disappear and a small Helicopter Icon will appear at the top right of the screen, with a message saying "You can now control a helicopter".
- The final step to start the helicopter, once the propeller is fixed, the tank is full and the Manual has been "read" is to get inside the cockpit with the Helicopter Key in hand and press the "Engine Start" button to load the Helicopter Ending scene and successfully escape the House.
- Despite Granny and Grandpa not being able to climb the Ladder of the Security Room, they can still somehow go to the Helicopter Balcony on the rooftop in the Helicopter ending scene to watch the Player as they leave.
- Getting inside the repaired Helicopter's cockpit while not having picked the Manual up but still having the Helicopter Key in hand will make a "I can't control a helicopter. This can end badly" message appear. This gives a warning to the Player so that they think about getting the Manual before escaping.
The message warning the Player
- If they do, however, decide to ignore the warning and press the "Engine Start" button, the Helicopter will start flying up in the air, pitch for a bit and then crash, landing right back on its launchpad, but on the side. The Player will survive the accident but their chances to escape with the Helicopter again will be completely nullified, as the Helicopter will be out of use, with flames rising towards the sky on top of it. The Player then has to choose to escape via one of the two other ways.
- Grandpa may have been a pilot in the United States Air Force, judging from the missile launchers on the sides of the helicopter.
- Grandpa's helicopter is modelled after a Bell UH-1 Iroquois "Huey" (pictured).
- The model can be found here.
The Helicopter endings soundtrack. |