The Grenades Box is a structure in Granny Chapter Two .
The grenade box is a moldy, rusty metal box with three Hand Grenades inside. It makes the same noise as the Sewer Deck's lever safe, the weapon safe from the previous granny game, the cabinet from the previous Granny game in the garage when opened and the cabinet from Granny 3 station entrance when opened too.
The grenade box spawns in random locations every time, but the three most common are the Helicopter Balcony, the Jail Room, and the Backyard, by the Shed.
- It has the same sound when opened and texture From Hotel Insanity. Another old game created by DVloper.
- The texture of the hand grenades are reused from the meat and the apples, food from another old game which is Hotel Insanity. Another old game created by DVloper.