The Glass Fuse is an item used to escape in Granny: Chapter Two.
It was added in Version 1.1 and is mainly required for the Helicopter Escape. Its only purpose is to be placed on a small metal spot, noticeable on the Wooden Trapdoor Room's wall to deactivate the Trapdoor system and prevent it from dropping the Player in the Kitchen whenever they step on it. Placing it on its spot will also make the Red Light above the Trapdoor turn Green, meaning that the access is now safe. Note that the Glass Fuse cannot be retrieved once placed.
It appears as a white cylinder-shaped opaque glass tube with red bits in the sides in order to fit in its spot.
- When dropped, the Glass Fuse, just like the Hand Grenades, may happen to roll on the floor and land somewhere else than the place where you dropped it.
- The Trapdoor puzzle is the last of the three puzzles separating the Player from the Helicopter Balcony. However, solving it can also be required if the Player is willing to obtain the Grenades Box, which has a 33% chance to spawn past the Trapdoor on any preset.
- The Fuse will also be required if they are willing to escape with the Boat on Preset #5, as the Boat Steering Wheel will also spawn past the Trapdoor against the wall.
- When the Glass Fuse is dropped and it's not been used, it depawns 2 minutes and respawns back in the Basement.
- The Glass Fuse is the only item that can be found in the open on all Presets.
- Similar with the Security Key, Helicopter Manual and the Door Lock.
The Glass Fuse as it appears in the Dining Room on preset #1.
The Glass Fuse as it appears in the Bathroom on preset #2.
The Glass Fuse as it appears in the Sewer Deck on preset #3.
The Glass Fuse as it apears in the Living Room on preset #4.
The Glass Fuse as it appears in the Dining Room on preset #5.