Granny Chapter Two Wiki

Game Over is what you will receive if you get knocked out 5 times (get knocked out on Day 5). There are 4 Game Over scenes that can be seen: the Iron Maiden Execution Ending, the Water Monster's Dinner Ending, the Child's Dinner Ending, and the Electrocution Ending.


Iron Maiden Execution Ending

The Player is held inside the Iron Maiden. Grandpa is preparing to pull the lever to close the Iron Maiden. Grandpa looks at Granny, and Granny nods her head, as if to say yes, then Grandpa pulls the lever, closing the doors of the Iron Maiden, and the Player is impaled. This results in a Game Over, as Granny cackles maniacally in the background when the Game Over text appears.

Water Monster's Dinner Ending

The Player is stuck in the water where the monster lives. Grandpa looks at Granny, she nods her head, then Grandpa taps the sewer deck floor with his cane. The Player looks down before getting eaten (or neck snapped, due to the snapping sound) by the Water Monster, resulting in a Game Over, as Grandpa cackles maniacally in the background when the Game Over text appears.

Child's Dinner Ending

The Player is held inside the child's cage. They look up and then they see the grandparents and Slendrina's Child in front of them, with Granny holding a piece of Meat. Granny throws the piece of Meat in front of the Player, and then the Player looks down and notices that there are 6 pieces of Meat. The child then heads towards the Player, biting them. This results in a Game Over, as Slendrina's Child's grunts can be heard in the background when the Game Over text appears.

This ending was added in Version 1.0 of the game.

Electrocution Ending

The Player is held inside the Door Bars in the Front Door. Granny is in front of the Player, then she hits the ceiling with her bat. Grandpa's ''Oh'' voiceline is heard above. The Player shakes their head in protest and then they look up. The electricity turns on and the Player spasms. This results in a Game Over, as Granny cackles maniacally in the background when the Game Over text appears.

This ending was added in Version 1.1 of the game.


  • The Electrocution Ending is the only Game Over in which Grandpa doesn't appear physically but his voice can still be heard.
  • Granny and Grandpa never directly kill you in any of the game over scenes.
  • In the Child’s Dinner Ending, Granny is holding a piece of meat. This is the first time she is physically holding an item in her hand in the series, with the exception of the bloody bat.

