Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Crates are a structure in Granny: Chapter Two.


There are total of two in the House, currently. One is located in the Basement, in front of the Victim Bunker's Door, at the left of the Sewer's Door and the other, on the Balcony, at the left of the Window. The Crates' main purpose is to contain an item, they require the Crowbar to be opened, which means that the Crowbar itself cannot be inside of one of them. Opening a crate will make the lid slide to the left and reveal the content inside. It also produces a noise, but it does not alert Granny and obviously not Grandpa. Note that dropping an item on top of a Crate will not make noise. Trying to open a crate with something else than the Crowbar or nothing in hand will make the "I need a Crowbar" message appear. The content of a crate depends on the Preset you're playing in. This also means that the place where you find the Crowbar will have an impact on the Crates' content:

Crowbar's Location Basement Crate's Content Balcony Crate's Content
Vent Spark Plug Cutting Pliers
Attic - Cabinet Safe Key Duct Tape
Backyard - Shed Stun Gun Hand Wheel
Backyard - Shed Weapon Key Padlock Key
Kitchen - Cupboard 2 Cutting Pliers Gasoline Can


Both of the Crates look exactly the same, they appear as small, square wooden boxes with a wooden lid on top, except the Balcony crate is in a different color.


  • As the Crowbar replaces the Hammer from the first game, technically speaking, the crates replace the rooms boarded up planks in the first game.
  • The Stun Gun used to spawn in the Basement crate twice, on presets #3 and #4, but it was moved to the Dining Room cabinet.

