Granny Chapter Two Wiki

The Coffin is a structure in Granny: Chapter Two.


The Coffin is found in the Jail Cell. It can opened by the Cutting Pliers and once it's opened, Slendrina's Husband comes out and disappears after 10 seconds. The Grenades Box is sometimes found next to it.


  • It's unknown why Slendrina's Husband is in the Coffin, whether it is just an easter egg or has something with the game's story.
  • It's also unknown how Slendrina's Husband got in the Coffin, since someone else must have put him in it, most likely Granny and Grandpa, but they cannot climb the ladder. Though, it may be an oversight to the game.


The Coffin appears as a large chained box with 2 chains locked up to it and it requires the Cutting Pliers to be unchained.

